
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reflection#1: Unit Q Concepts 1 & 5

1. To begin proving an identity is very different from solving a problem. To prove an identity, you have to use identities to show that one side of the equation can be transformed into the other side of the equation. You don't plug values into the identity to prove anything. There are several different identities you can plug in. We also have to keep in mind that we can not touch the right side when verifying.

2. One of the main tricks that I found useful were trying to maintain sin and cos in the problem. Another trick that I found helpful was knowing when to combine and break up fractions so that the number of terms will match. The last trick that I found helpful was factoring out the GCF.

3.There are several ways that we can approach a problem. However, there are several things that we can do first such as looking for a GCF, substituting an identity, multiplying by the conjugate(when the denominator is a binomial), combine fractions with binomial denominators, and factoring.


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